Learn The Trade of Hosting by Practice

“Where can I practice my public speaking skills?” is a question we’re frequently asked. “Where can’t you practice public speaking?” is the correct response. You can practice public speaking at any place in your everyday life. If you’re planning to give a presentation or a prepared speech, start working on it as soon as possible. The sooner you put it together, the more practice time you’ll have.

Practice it alone a few times with the resources you’ll need at the event and alter your words as you go until they flow naturally and readily. Keep reading to learn how you can practice hosting in effective ways:

1.  Plan Properly

First and foremost, be confident that your communication is well-planned. Think about how you’ll frame what you’re going to say using techniques like Monroe’s Motivated Sequence, Rhetorical Triangle, and the 7Cs of communication.

Consider how crucial the first paragraph of a book is; if it doesn’t pique your interest, you’re likely to put it down. The same approach applies to your speech: you must pique your audience’s interest right away.

For example, start with an interesting headline, statistic, or fact that relates to what you’re addressing and resonates with your audience. You may also utilize storytelling as an introduction. Planning also aids your ability to think quickly. This is especially critical for last-minute communications or unforeseen question-and-answer sessions.

2.  Determine The Most Critical Areas for Improvement

Because there are so many parts of public speaking to improve, you must focus your efforts on the ones that will have the most significant impact. I strongly advise you to record yourself presenting to determine which areas of your delivery need to be improved the most. You’ll be able to independently examine the verbal and nonverbal components of your presentation and become more conscious of your presentation patterns as a result.

3.  Adapt The Message to The Intended Audience

Tailoring your delivery to your audience might be beneficial at times. Matching your subject matter to your delivery style can help you make the best first impression possible. You may present with more confidence when you know you’re speaking effectively.

Plan ahead of time by thinking about who you want to speak to. You can expect a detailed speech if you’re delivering a research paper to academics. If you’re presenting a novel concept to a casually interested audience, a broader focus is preferable.

4.  Become A Member of a Toastmasters Club

Toastmasters’ clubs are essentially social gatherings where people can get together and take turns giving a talk or a toast. They can be a terrific method to improve your public speaking skills while also learning from the other members’ presentations.

Toastmasters’ clubs used to meet in person, so you were somewhat limited by your geographic location, but these days, many of them meet online. You can start by doing a Google search, and Toastmasters.org also provides a great list of groups to check out.

I personally joined the organization years ago and it had immensely helped shape how I speak in public. I had learned so much from many great speakers, competed in public speaking contests, and hosted many events because of Toastmaster.  

5.  Craft a Big Ending

People are more likely to recall your closing comment than your starting statement even years later. So, prepare a huge closing speech, like a group exercise, a question, or the last dance, that everyone will remember.

Bonus Tips!

Even though we’ve covered the basic ways, we thought we’d throw in a few extra suggestions to help you crush your public speaking game, so here they are:

  • Public speaking is much more than simply the delivery; it involves several things. As a result, practicing the fundamentals of good communication, rather than merely speaking, is critical. Start by expanding your vocabulary and looking for synonyms for commonly used words.
  • Face exercises can help you enhance your speaking delivery by increasing the range of your facial expressions. You can also observe and learn from other speakers and performers.
  • Will you be interested in a speaker who keeps their hands on the sides and does not move like a robot? We doubt it, so working on your hand motions is an excellent suggestion. A clenched fist, for example, can convey fury or strength. As a result, strive to link these movements to your words and incorporate them into your speaking routine.

That concludes my article on several methods and techniques for practicing public speaking and improving your speeches and presentations. It’s natural to be scared, but practice makes perfect, and I’m right here to help.

Hi, I’m Omar Fayyad, a Cyber Security Consultant with excellent interpersonal skills. I have over sixteen years of work experience, including eight years in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). I have a passion to teach and write. My course on hosting events will prepare you to master the art of public speaking by introducing you to the methods and tricks of how events work.

Through this course, you will learn the art of organizing small and large events.

This course is designed for people who are new to event hosting and want to learn more. Sign up now to get started!

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