Public Speaking and Hosting

If you’ve been requested to deliver a public speech, you might be wondering what it means and why it’s essential. If you’ve never given much consideration to public speaking, those questions make sense. Public speaking is necessary for business, education, and government. Speaking in public has several advantages for both individuals and companies. If you ask most people, they will tell you that they dislike public speaking and hosting. They may even admit to being scared of public speaking, as it is a common fear. They might just be shy or introverted. You’re losing out if you’re one of those folks who avoid public speaking and hosting.

The Importance of Speaking in Public

Over the years, public speaking has played an important role in education, government, and business. The power of words may be used to enlighten, persuade, educate, and even entertain. In the hands of the appropriate speaker, the spoken word maybe even more powerful than the written word.

The majority of people are afraid of public speaking to some extent. In fact, only approximately ten percent of people in the United States say they like it. Therefore, developing your public speaking skills can give you a significant career advantage since it can open doors that others may pass up.

David Fisher is an award-winning worldwide speaker, leadership coach, and aspiring novelist who was almost homeless a few years ago. “I imagined myself to be someone else who was that hero when I was a kid,” David explains. I used to be an actor as a teenager, and I frequently played the hero (or the villain, but isn’t the villain the hero in their own story?).” He continued to act like an adult but also went into business until his business mentor informed him, “You will never be successful until you love what you do.” David determined his passion was public speaking and leadership coaching after only 10 minutes of hearing this. Through his company, Kingfisher Communications, David now assists others in making deeper connections with themselves and others to have a more substantial and good impact on the world. It began as a business communication consulting firm and has evolved into a company that teaches leadership via vulnerability and storytelling. David explains, “At its core, it’s a deeper evolution of business and organizational consulting.” He concludes, “It’s about assisting others in communicating in a way that inspires and leads, whether in front of a classroom, on a stage, or in a boardroom” Thousands of leaders worldwide have been inspired by Kingfisher Communications to develop more powerful connections via communication, storytelling, and vulnerability.

Despite losing his ability of vision at the age of 14, Erik Weihenmayer is an outstanding climber, paraglider, skier, and kayaker who never lets his blindness get in the way of his desire to live an exciting and happy life. Weihenmayer sees his blindness as a gift, and he has overcome his feelings of rage, frustration, and fear. He continued working on his craft after making friends with other blind people who went rock climbing, and at the age of 33, he became the first blind person to reach the summit of Mount Everest. His inspiring narrative of resilience and drive has been broadcast on The Today Show, Oprah, Good Morning America, and numerous other major media venues. In addition, the Weight of Water, an award-winning documentary on Erik and his most recent adventure kayaking the Grand Canyon, was published this year. His presentations encourage listeners to follow in his footsteps and live a “No Barriers” life, that is, a life free of self-imposed limits.

Expert Tips on How to Improve Your Public Speaking Skills

So now you’re aware of the advantages of public speaking. You could be more enthusiastic about the subject. Even so, you may believe it isn’t for you. Maybe you’ve given a speech before that didn’t go so well. Maybe you’re frightened of speaking in front of a group. Perhaps you believe you lack the inherent aptitude to give speeches.

Speaking in front of an audience is, in fact, a skill. However, you can also learn any skill. While some people have a natural aptitude to speak in public, everyone may improve their public speaking skills. All it takes is a little effort. You may steadily develop your skills and become more comfortable giving presentations and speeches by adopting various public speaking techniques into your daily life. Here are some expert tips for nailing your public speaking skills:

“All the best speakers were bad speakers at first.” – Ralph Waldo Emmerson.

Once you’ve completed all of your speech preparation, it’s time to start practicing! Practice presenting in front of your family, friends, dog, or even just yourself!

Try filming yourself to see how you perform and how you may enhance your body language or communication skills. It will be easier to re-create on the day if you have more practice.

“In public speaking, there are three things to aim for: first, get into your subject, then get into yourself, and last, get your subject into the hearts of your audience.” — Gregg, Alexander.

If the subject isn’t compelling, the audience will often wander off throughout a speech. You’ve worked hard on this presentation, and you’ll want the audience to understand what you’re saying. Excessive data, verbose words, and concepts that are difficult to grasp should be avoided. Instead, add an anecdote or a real-life example to what you’re saying to help the audience understand what you’re saying.

Also, if the situation allows, try cracking a joke; this will make the speech more entertaining!

 “When you say something for the first time, it is heard; when you repeat it again, it is recognized; and when you say it a third time, it is learned.” – Maxwell, John.

Don’t be afraid to repeat yourself if you really want to impress your audience! Saying the same powerful statement over will sink in far more successfully than any filler words.

Find the most important lesson you want your audience to remember from your speech and repeat it throughout your presentation.

“The successful presentation is determined not by the knowledge you send, but by the knowledge the listener receives.” Lilly Walters

When it comes to public speaking, the way you present your message is essential. Even if you have a wonderful voice and fantastic body language, your message will be lost if the audience can’t follow what you’re saying. If you speak too quickly, your listeners will struggle to understand you. If you speak too slowly, you risk putting them to sleep. When it comes to public speaking, the safest bet is to speak at a conversational speed.

How can I make money by giving public speeches? Is such a thing even possible?

How to generate money with public speaking is a frequently asked question, and to be honest, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. There are many opportunities for public speaking employment, and you may use your skill to earn money in a variety of ways. There are a plethora of public speaking chances for all types of people available nowadays, as well as even more options to improve your public speaking talents.

 Public speaking isn’t simply a valuable ability to help you stand out from the crowd; it’s also a viable career option.  Today, there are a plethora of jobs where the primary goal is to communicate. So why not turn your talent of gab into a lucrative public speaking career? It is unquestionably doable!

 “Speech is power: speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel,” as poet and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson expressed it.

Get started now!

Public speaking is a valuable skill in any field. For example, consider the corporate sector and its presentations: what good is a well-designed PowerPoint presentation if the presenter can’t explain it clearly?

You now have accessibility to all of the resources you need to develop your public speaking skills. It’s never too late to master the important skill of public speaking. You may get started and acquire public speaking gigs in various ways, with Omar Fayyad, a Cyber Security Expert with excellent interpersonal skills. He has over sixteen years of work experience, including eight years in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). His experience includes information security awareness content development, ISO consultancy, and auditing, training courses, hosting national events, project management, and sales.

This course will prepare you on how to master the art of hosting by introducing you to the methods and tricks of how events work.

He would share his experience of hosting national events throughout the course. You’d also get some expertise in creating scripts. He will share several anecdotes ranging from public speaking competitions to hosting major events. Through this course, you will learn the art of organizing small and large events.

You will have mastered the principles of emceeing events and the art of scriptwriting by the end of the course. You’ll also discover the following:

  • Learn the basics of hosting and the steps to get you started
  • As an Emcee, be able to write your own screenplay for large-scale national events.
  • Understand how to improve your stage performance and practice like a pro!

This course is designed for people who are new to the world of event hosting and want to learn more. Sign up now to get started!

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