“Texting While Driving” Matters!

“Texting While Driving” Matters!

In today’s world, while people are constantly glued to their mobile devices, it ‘s hard to believe they communicate like the old days. In the world of technology and social media, people don’t often have face-to-face conversations with each other anymore. They use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Whatsapp, or any other medium that allows them to communicate behind the screen.

Communicating through means of technology doesn’t necessarily affect us negatively, it’s the way we use it.  Technology brings a lot of benefits to the users along with some unknown side effects that we perhaps need to be aware of.

In this blog, I’d like to touch base on how technology can lead someone to end his/ her life or the life of others through the “wrong” use of technology. Improper use can take place through different means such as bullying, addiction, gaming, and many more. But I’d like to shed the light in this blog on “mobile addition”.

“Mobile addiction is the constant use of mobiles despite the adverse effect it can have on a person or others around them.”

One of the very harmful effects mobile addiction can have on a person is “texting while driving”.   Texting while driving is the act of always looking out and replying to messages you receive on your phone while you’re on the road and behind the wheels.  People with this behaviour can lead to many incidents, out of which are the following;

  • getting distracted from driving
  • moving from one lane to another without noticing
  • suddenly finding yourself too close to break

Many of these events can cause harm to you and the life of others.  It only takes a few seconds for an accident to happen; like a person crossing the road,  another driver who happen to be in the next lane,  a huge truck that happened to be parking on the right way, and many more events.

We often need to remember that our lives are more important than the text messages we are replying to or even those we’re communicating with.  What also matters are the people behind us who love us the most in their lives. Our families, friends, and relatives.

Technology can always be an advantage, but we need to remind regularly ourselves of how we should use it to keep it on our side and not against us.

#drivesafe #textingwhiledriving #addiction #onlinesafety #iPledge_not_to_text_while_driving

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